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ثقتي في السيد المسيح

مراجع الفصل السادس

1. E. Hermitage Day, on The Evidence of the Resurrection SPCK London, 1906'

2. John Scott, Basic Christianity, Inter-Varsity Press, 1971.

3. Wilbur Smith. Therefore, Stand: Christian Apologetics, Baker Book House, 1965.

4. Simon Greenleaf, Testimony of the Evangelists, Examind by the Rules of Evidence Administered in courts of Justice, Baker Book House, 1965.

5. Wilbur M. Smith, 'Scientists and the Resurrection' Christianity Today, April 15, 1965.

6. Michael Green, Man Alive, Inter-Varsity Press., 1968. 7. W. J. Sparrow Simpson. The Ressurection and the Christian Faith, Zondervan, 1968.

8. John P. Mattingly, Crucifixion: Its Origin and Application to Christ, Unpublished Th. M. Thesis: Dallas Theo Seminary May 1961.

9. Fredrick Cook, Commentary on the Holy Bible, John Murray, 1878.

10. Henry Latham, The Risen Master, Deighton, Bell and Co, 1901.

11. Alfred Edershein, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Eerdmans, 1962.

12. Thomas James Thorburn, the Resurrection Narratives and Modern Criticism, Trench, Trubner and Co., 1910.

13. Frank Morroson, Who Moved the Stone, Faber and Faber., 1967.

14. Chrysostom, Homilles on the Gospel of Saint Mathew, Christian Literature Company, 1888.

15. George Currie, The Military Discipline of the Romans From the Founding of the city to the close of the Republic, 1928.

16. Alfred Eedersheim, The Temple: Its Ministry qnd Services, Eerdmans, 1958.

17. James Hastings, John Selbie and John Lambertt )eds.(, A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, ChaScribners Sons, 1909.

18. C. S. Lewis, Miracles, A Preliminary Study, Macmillan, 1947.

19. David Friedrich Strauss, The Lif of Jesus for the People, Williams and Norgate, 1879.

20. E. Le Camus, The Lif of Christ, Cathedral Library Assoc, 1908.

21. Wilbur M. Smith, A Great Certainity in thid hour of World Crises, Van Kempin Press, 1951.

22. Hillyer H. Starton, I believe our Lords Resurrection, Christianity today, March 31, 1958.

23. L. E. Hinsie and J. Shatsky, Psychiatric Dictionary, Osford U. Press, 1948.

24. J.N.D. Anderson, Christianity: The Witness of History, Tyndale Press, 1970.

  • عدد الزيارات: 6144
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